There is so much BS in our industry. Jargon and #MarketingSpeak used to baffle and intimidate or make it seem like everything is more complex than it already is. We are real. The straight goods.
Why use a big word when a small one will do? And why hide behind fake complexity when the world is made better through simplicity.
Einstein said: ‘If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough’.
Hard on the work but not the people. We act with empathy, respect and common decency towards our fellow travellers.
We can be good at what we do (we sure are) and still be good people!
In the end that’s what we are! And that means so much. Instead of putting people in boxes called ‘client’, ‘consumer’, ‘user’, we realize the full and unlimited potential of imagination, innovation and new ways of experiencing the world.